Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Functional group

Functional group is a group of special forces on the atoms in a molecule, which plays a role in giving the characteristics of a chemical reaction in the molecule.Functional group compounds have the same chemical reaction of the same or similar.

H H                    
       | |
       | |
       H H

       H H
       | |
       | |                   
       H H
From both the structure above we can see that the molecular ethanol (C2H5OH) with molecules of ethane (C2H6) except for one H atom is replaced by OH groups. Cluster replacement is crucial nature of the related compounds, both physical properties and chemical properties. Ethanol has very different properties with ethane, but resemble with methanol, another compound with similar replacement group. That is why the replacement cluster is also called functional groups, which means determining the nature of clusters.

1. Alcohola. Types of Alcohol    Based on the type of carbon with the OH group, alcohol is divided based on primary alcohols, secondary alcohols and tertiary alcohols. In a primary alcohol, the OH group attached to the primary carbon atom, and so on.
b. Tata Alcohol NameIUPAC name alcohol is derived from the name of the corresponding alkane by replacing the suffix a to ol.
CH3-CH2-CH2-OH 1-propanol

In addition to IUPAC name, a simple alcohol also has a common name, the alkyl alcohol.
CH3-CH2-OH ethyl alcohol
c. Properties of Alcoholo Physical Properties   Alcohol mempumyai melting point and relatively high boiling point. At room temperature, low rates of alcohol as a liquid that is a car, the interest is in the form of viscous liquid, while the high interest in the form of solids.
o Chemical Properties   OH group is quite reactive groups yag so easy alcohol was involved in various types of reactions. Reaction with active metals such as sodium and potassium metal to form alkoxide and hydrogen gas. Simple alcohol flammable gases to form carbon dioxide and water vapor. If alcohol is heated with concentrated sulfuric acid will dehydrate (remove water molecules) to form ethers or alkenes.
d. Alcohol usefulness in everyday life    Alcohol can also be used as pengawaet for animal collection (which is small in size) alkohol.Alkohol can be used as an automotive fuel. Ethanol and methanol can be made to burn cleaner than gasoline or diesel. Alcohol can be used as an antifreeze in the radiator. To add to the appearance of internal combustion engines, methanol can be injected into the engine turbocharger and supercharger. This will cool the entry of air into the pipe entrance, providing a denser air entry.
2. Ethera. Tata Ether Name    Common name from the ether is an alkyl alkyl ether, which is the second name followed by the word ether alkyl group (in three separate words).
CH3-CH2-O - CH3 Methyl ethyl ether
IUPAC name is alkoksialkana. In this case the ether considered sebgai alkane derivatives which one H atom is replaced by alkoxy alkane (-OR).CH3-CH2-O-CH3 metoksietana
b. Properties of Ethero Physical Properties    Melting point and boiling point of ether is much lower than alcohol. Similarly, in terms of solubility, ether greater difficulty soluble in water than alcohol. In general, ether does not mix with water. At room temperature, ethyl ether solubility in water only 1.5%. This occurs because the molecule is less polar ether.
o Chemical Properties    Ether flammable gases to form carbon dioxide and water vapor. Ether does not react with sodium metal. Ether decomposed by acid halides, especially by HI.

c. Ether usefulness in everyday life    Ethyl ether ether most important is that in sehair-day life and in the trade is called ether. The main purpose is as solvent and ether anesthesia (anesthesia) in operation. Ethyl ether is that drugs are given through breathing, such as chloroform or cyclopropane.

* Polyurethanes (polyurethanes)
Polyurethanes (polyurethanes) is a versatile polymer made of many polymers that exist (The University of Southern Mississippi, 2005). Polyurethane fibers which easily can be sticky. An example of an extremely influential Polyurethanes are spandex. Polyurethane is a polymer composed of a chain of organic units joined by urethane. Polyurethanes are the result of the reaction mixture which include epoxies, unsaturated polyesters, and phenolics.
* Read Mora
* Visit
o Ester Fatty Acids
o Anesthesia
o Preparation of Esters
o Functional Group Abynoel
o organic molecules, functional groups, and hydrocarbon
o Alcohol and Ether
o Chemical terrible
o aldehydes and ketones

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

organic chemistry I

Polar and non polar compounds
The characteristics of polar compounds:

     * soluble in water and other polar solvents
     * has polar and polar + -, result not
uneven distribution of electrons
has a free-electron pairs (if forms of molecules known) or a difference keelektronegatifan
Example: alcohol, HCl, PCl3, H2O, N2O5
Polar compounds are described as

The characteristics of non-polar compounds:

not soluble in water and other polar solvents
     * Do not have the + and the poles -, due to
uneven distribution of electrons
-do not have free electron pairs (if forms of molecules known) or the same keelektronegatifannya
Example: Cl2, PCl5, H2, N2
Non-polar compounds are described as
* polar compounds boiling point higher than the non-polar compounds
* The order of the boiling point, hydrogen bonding> dipole-dipole> non polar-non polar or hydrogen bonding> Van der Waals> london style 

* When both polar / non polar, a big Mr. boiling point greater
Carbon compounds similar to Mr., chain length C boiling point> branched chain (round)

hydrocarbon :
Hydrocarbons as well as other compounds have certain traits that both physical properties and chemical properties.
1) physical properties
    a. Melting and boiling points
        In hydrocarbons, the greater the relative molecular mass (the longer the chain) the boiling point, melting point, and the higher density. At room temperature gas tangible C1-C4, C5-C17 chain liquid and subsequent C-shaped solid. Isomer which has a branch will have a melting point and boiling point is lower.

   b. Solubility in water 

       All hydrocarbon solvents is difficult to dissolve in water, but soluble in nonpolar solvents such as CCl4

Hydrocarbon compounds are the most simple carbon compounds. From the name, the hydrocarbon compound is a compound composed of carbon atoms only hydrogen and carbon atoms. In everyday life we encounter many hydrocarbon compounds, such as kerosene, gasoline, natural gas, plastics and others.

Until now has been known for more than 2 million of hydrocarbon compounds. To facilitate the study of hydrocarbon compounds are so many, experts mengolongkan hydrocarbons based on the arrangement of carbon atoms in the molecule.

Based on the arrangement of carbon atoms in the molecule, carbon compounds are divided into 2 major categories, namely compound aliphatic and cyclic compounds. Aliphatic hydrocarbon compounds are compounds of carbon chain C is open and branched chain C is possible. Based on the amount of this bond, aliphatic hydrocarbons aliphatic compounds are divided into saturated and unsaturated.

Ethylene :
Fruits, especially the old release a gas called ethylene. Ethylene is synthesized by plants and cause a more rapid ripening process. In addition to ethylene produced by plants, there are synthetic ethylene, namely etepon (2-kloroetifosfonat acid). Synthetic ethylene are used on the traders to accelerate the ripening fruit.

In addition to stimulate ripening, ethylene also spur the germination of seeds, stems thicken, pushing the death of leaf, stem elongation and inhibit germination. In addition, ethylene delay flowering, reduce apical dominance and root initiation, stem elongation and inhibit germination.

Hormone Ethylene gas is a gaseous hormone that is active in plant life in the process of fruit ripening. Containing ethephon application, the performance of synthetic ethylen run optimally, so aim for ripe fruit can be achieved quickly. (example: Etephon, Protephon) trademarks, among others: Prothephon 480SL. Ethylene gas is found in many fruits that are old.

How it Works and Function Hormone Ethylene Gas:
-To encourage ripening,
Provide the opposite effect with some influence of the hormone auxin.
-To encourage or inhibit the growth and development of roots, leaves, stems, and flowers.
Apical-Meristem shoot tip, young leaves, embryos in seeds.